The Best-Selling Planner is Back!


You Can Get a Copy of the 2024 Tarot Therapy Planner When You Join the Tarot Therapy Alliance

Get the planner free - and mailed straight to your door - when you join our new membership and help shape the future of Tarot and Tarot Therapy. Must enroll by October 31st to get a physical copy of the planner.

Join Now

The first 25 people to sign up will also receive:

  • Bonus Life Map Tarot Therapy reading with Amethyst Mahoney (valued at $247) 

Everyone who joins before October 31st will receive:

  • Bonus Live End of Year Wrap Up Ritual in December (will also be recorded)
  • Bonus Live New Year's Ritual on Inner Strength, Courage, and Resilience (will be recorded)
  • Bonus Videos, Downloads, and Guides to help you make the most of your planner and navigate the year


The Tarot Therapy Alliance

Connect with your cards, your Self, and your Source. Learn to read Tarot in a more meaningful and impactful way, and connect with other Tarot enthusiasts who want to shape the future of Tarot.

Want To Learn the Right Way To Read Tarot?

Most people are using the cards as party tricks and giving away their power. In the Tarot Therapy Alliance, you'll learn the true keys to Tarot and how to use the cards in a better way.
  • Wish there was a quicker and easier way to figure out the meanings of the cards? 
  • Tired of trying to predict the future with your cards and afraid of whether or not you'll get it "right?"
  • Want to delve into and understand the True Power of Tarot right now, today?
Join the Tarot Therapy Alliance

We officially open on October 15th. The first 25 members will get a bonus reading from Amethyst. Everyone who signs up by October 31st will receive a physical copy of the 2024 Tarot Therapy Planner in the mail!

Most people are struggling to memorize the cards and let Tarot predict their future.

Many Tarot gurus will tell you that you have to spend an extraordinary amount of time studying and learning the cards. They say:

  • You have to learn all of the meanings of each of the 78 cards, both upright AND reversed - before you can ever start to get a good reading.
  • Tarot is used to predict the future and to tell you what will happen next in your life.
  • Tarot is a difficult subject that takes years of mastery to understand the esoteric keys and hidden messages on the cards.
  • Tarot is more of a party trick used to show off what you know, and can't be used for therapy. 

But this is all bunk!

These misunderstandings and outright lies are keeping people like YOU from accessing the power of the Tarot, and making it difficult if not impossible to connect with your intuition and trust the power of your own readings.

Every day you sit in this confusion is another day that you don't get to access your subconscious mind, overcome trauma, and understand yourself and what you are here to do using the power of the Tarot cards.

Lucky for you, we have an easier and more effective way to use Tarot. In the Tarot Therapy Alliance, we know how easy it is to start reading today - not six years from now.

And, we believe in the power of Tarot as a therapeutic practice that can be used to help people in deeply meaningful ways.

Not to try to tell them what is going to happen in their lives next or when they are going to meet a tall, dark handsome stranger, but to help empower them to make the choices they want to create better circumstances.

Join the Tarot Therapy Alliance



It's time to learn the easier way of connecting with your cards. You started learning Tarot to learn more about yourself, and maybe to help others.

But every day it seems like the rules of Tarot change. People have all sorts of wackadoodle opinions on what to do with the cards, how to charge them, how to read them, even whether or not you can buy your own deck, and it just gets harder and harder to hear your own voice and figure out what works for you. Things aren't going to get better, UNLESS you do things a different way...   


You've probably noticed that it's hard to get a consensus on how to use the cards and exactly what a reading or Tarot Therapy session should look like.

This isn't your fault. It things are like:

 You thought you could pick up a Tarot deck, go through the cards, and be ready to read (but you aren't).

 You're struggling to figure out where to start (even though you've watched videos and listened to podcasts).

 You've done the Past, Present, Future Spread and the Celtic Cross (but you're not sure if you did either one of them correctly).

 You set up your alter, cleansed your space, lit a candle, grounded and centered yourself, and pulled out your deck (but you freeze up and don't know what else to do).

 You've asked the Tarot cards to predict your future, but it just felt weird and off (you don't want some deck to tell you how to live your life).

 You want a safe space where you can connect with other readers, ask questions, and who will support you in your growth (but most groups seem to be full of infighting or just plain bad advice)

 You want to use the cards to get better guidance for your life (but you don't know how to be sure you're reading the cards right).

But're exhausted aren't you? When is this going to get any easier?


You can keep looking for random answers, watching hours of unhelpful YouTube videos, and get lost down the latest rabbit hole of new reader discussion around, "Will my boyfriend leave his wife?"

But that isn't getting the results you want. It's time to...

 Connect more deeply with your Tarot cars and your Inner Knowing (as well as your Divine connection to Source).

 Release your fears around not knowing the meanings of the cards (and start to find your own answers).

 Understand how to ask better questions (that will automatically lead to better readings and more impactful answers).

 Understand the difference between disempowering views of Tarot that leave people dependent on the cards and running from reader to reader trying to get confirmation for what they want to hear (and empowering shifts that will change the way you read forever).

 Discover psychological theories that can be applied to your Tarot practice (and how to understand yourself and others on a deeper level).

 Learn Holistic approaches using Tarot that lead to meaningful actions which help you and the people you read for change their lives (without tiring yourself out or draining your energy).

 Connect with people who are serious about learning Tarot and who want to shape the future of how people see the cards (even if you aren't a fan of networking or big events).

All this and more in the Tarot Therapy Alliance.

Who Is The Tarot Therapy Alliance For?

Tarot Beginners and Those New To Reading

The Tarot Therapy Alliance is for you if:

  • You want to connect with the cards on a deeper level, without having to memorize definitions or endless meanings.
  • You aren't happy in free groups with endless questions like, "When will my boyfriend leave his wife?" "What is this person thinking?" or, "Will I get my ex back?" because you know Tarot has much better uses and can be an empowering tool for growth and development. 

Tarot Readers and Enthusiasts

The Tarot Therapy Alliance is for you if:

  • You want to read the cards for friends and family, but aren't always confident about your readings or the card meanings..
  • You want to expand your experience and learn how to use Tarot in a way that can help people overcome their problems and trauma.
  • You're tired of people who have negative views of Tarot and want to connect with like-minded people who are excited about using the cards.

Tarot Professionals, Coaches, and Therapists

The Tarot Therapy Alliance is for you if:

  • You want to use Tarot cards in your own practice with your clients.
  • You've been reading the cards for a while and want to learn new and fresh ways to use them. You want to connect with other Tarot professionals and share ideas on how to use the cards in your business.
  • You want a place to exchange readings and get feedback on interpretations and where to go next, while maintaining the anonymity of your clients.
  • You want up-to-date information on Tarot and special topics like trauma and abuse, religious trauma, somatics, and therapeutic theories from experts in the field.

Hi, I'm Amethyst.

I'm a former psychologist turned Tarot Reader who discovered the secrets to reading the cards without years of struggle.

I've taught these methods to people around the World.

What I love most about Tarot Therapy is that it's an easy way to access your subconscious through Archetypal images (just like psychologist Carl Jung talked about).

I started designing Tarot Therapy all the way back when I was a full-time psychologist, and my clients started getting amazing results.

I was so excited, and even started teaching these methods to my fellow therapists. Everyone loved Tarot Therapy, and as more people started incorporating the methods in their own practices, they also saw the same results with their clients.

Unfortunately, one day it all came to a crashing halt. Someone reported that I was using Tarot cards, and I was threatened that I would be fired if I continued to use the cards.

It didn't matter how great the results were, or how much the therapists and clients were enjoying Tarot Therapy. The only thing that mattered at the time was the fear and prejudice surrounding Tarot.

So I quit psychology, started my own business, and ended up helping more people - and making far more money - than I ever did as a shrink. Yes, it's been hard. Yes, I've faced a lot of obstacles around being taken seriously over the years.

I have a PhD and 2 Master's Degrees. Recently, I spoke on a Psychology Conference about Tarot Therapy and Religious Trauma. I had to be fully vetted before the conference and had a private interview with someone who was very skeptical about the idea of Tarot Therapy.

But after learning the process and doing a sample mini-session himself, he was fully onboard and loved Tarot Therapy! This is the power of keeping an open mind and experiencing Tarot Therapy for yourself.

In the Tarot Therapy Alliance, will look at how far psychology has come over the years, the struggles with helping people overcome trauma, and how Tarot Therapy is different and how it can help.

We'll also look at the future of Tarot and how we can bring this amazing tool into the light to help it become seen as a legitimate practice for people who use the cards for themselves, for counselors, coaches, and psychologists, as well as for those who want to become Certified Tarot Therapists.

Welcome To The Tarot Therapy Alliance.

Chock Full Of The Real Secrets To Tarot

And you can start applying these to your personal readings in a matter of minutes!

Tarot Therapy Alliance Membership


Get Access To

  • Live Community Events
  • Foundations of Tarot Therapy
  • Practice Readings
  • Tarot Therapy Walk Through
  • Special Topics and/or Classes Added Monthly
  • Expert Guest Interviews and Courses


The Tarot Therapy Alliance

Connect with your cards, your Self, and your Source. Learn to read Tarot in a more meaningful and impactful way, and connect with other Tarot enthusiasts who want to shape the future of Tarot.

Find Your Place

Get a Clear Understanding of the Cards

Feel more confident in your readings, determining the meanings of the cards, and choosing which path you want to take in life as you access your subconscious and overcome trauma for a deeper understanding of who you are.


All this for just one low monthly price, cancel any time.

When you join the Tarot Therapy Alliance...

You get instant access to our trainings and materials as well as our Members Only community.



 Sign up before October 31st, and you'll get a copy of the 2024 Tarot Therapy Planner mailed right to your door.

 ​Modules on how to use Tarot as therapy, and why this is so important in the World right now.

 The 5 Minute Tarot Process that will have you reading the cards right now, today, even if you've never picked up a deck before.

 A place to share your thoughts and views on Tarot, how to use it, and to ask questions for clarification on your own spreads.

​ Monthly calls, quarterly Meet & Greets, and access to other Tarot enthusiasts, both starting out and professional readers. .

 Workshops, trainings, and calls from experienced Tarot readers plus the opportunity to share your own work.

 The Life Map Assessment tool to use for yourself or with clients.

 ​Modules on how to use Tarot as therapy, and why this is so important in the World right now.

 and more!


Plus if you join now, you'll get a physical copy of the 2024 Tarot Therapy Planner mailed straight to your door...


2024 Tarot Therapy Planner

250 pages

This is your one and only chance to receive the planner for free.

If you join before October 31st, you'll get a physical copy of our best-selling planner mailed straight to your door. This is the ONLY time we will be offering this free bonus.

You'll be able to purchase the planner in the future for a significantly higher price.

Join the Tarot Therapy Alliance

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I'm brand new to Tarot. Will this work for me?

A: Yes, this is the perfect time to get started. Many people have assumptions about what religious trauma is and how to work with it. In the Tarot Not Trauma Society, we'll walk you through all of the steps on how to identify and work with your specific challenges.

Q: What if I don't know how to read Tarot Cards?

A: No worries. You'll get the 5 Minute Tarot training, my 5 step process that will have you reading Tarot cards in less than 5 minutes, even if you've never picked up a deck before. You'll also get access to the Tarot Meaning Cheat Sheets with keywords for the cards both upright and reversed, as well as the Limitless Tarot Printables if you don't own your own deck. Plus, we have other resources and can help you figure out your spreads over in the community!

Q: Does this work for psychologists?

A: Yes, I was a psychologist for 13 years, and we have many members who are former therapists or who are studying psychology in the group. I developed Tarot Therapy and started using the cards with my clients many years ago. Inside the TNT Society, you'll learn how to use Tarot to do your own Tarot Therapy Sessions.

Q: Can I join next month?

A: Yes you can, but you won't receive the 2024 Tarot Therapy Planner. This is the only time that you'll be able to get the physical copy of the planner included in the price of the membership, and you have until October 31st to join in order to get this amazing bonus.

If you wait to join in the future, we have no guarantees that you will receive the current rate or bonuses. 

Q: How much support is included?

A: You'll get answers and support in our members only community every day. We also hold live calls and events where you can ask specific questions.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to your course walk-through, bonuses, and our members only community as soon as you sign up.

Q: I'm not very tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

A: No, this is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don't need to be good with tech or buy any software.

Q: How is this different from the Tarot Not Trauma Society?

A: The TNT Society focuses specifically on overcoming religious trauma. The Tarot Therapy Alliance is a more robust membership that includes all of the information from the TNT (Tarot Not Trauma) Society plus more on how to read Tarot and using the cards as Tarot Therapy.

When you join the Tarot Therapy Alliance, your payments for the TNT Society will stop. Don't worry - we take care of this on our end within 2-3 business days.

You may get a notification that you no longer have access to the Tarot Not Trauma Society, but that is NOT true (we can't turn this automated email off in our system).

If there are any hiccups with access to both programs, or if there is a payment issue, we will take care of this immediately so that you get everything that you want for our one low monthly membership price!


Q: Can I cancel the membership?

A: Yes, you can cancel this membership any time. You will receive an email a week before your next charge goes through. If you cancel, you still get access for the entire month until the end of your current payment cycle, including all bonus spreads, calls, and other materials.


The Tarot Therapy Alliance

Connect with your cards, your Self, and your Source. Learn to read Tarot in a more meaningful and impactful way, and connect with other Tarot enthusiasts who want to shape the future of Tarot.

Find Your Place

Get a Clear Understanding of the Cards

Feel more confident in your readings, determining the meanings of the cards, and choosing which path you want to take in life as you access your subconscious and overcome trauma for a deeper understanding of who you are.


All this for just one low monthly price, cancel any time.

©Amethyst Mahoney and Limitless Abundance, LLC
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In the United States, we are required by laws made by people who don't understand our work to make the ridiculous statement that Tarot is for entertainment purposes only.